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The Author: R.S. TYAGI

Dr. K. Sujatha is former Professor and Head, Department of Educational Administration   in National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration, Delhi. Was Visiting Fellow, University of New England, Australia. Her research areas of work include Education of Indigenous Tribes, Educational Administration, Ashram Schools for Tribal Children, Management of Secondary Education, School Management, Joyful Learning, Private Tutoring, Education of Disadvantaged, Equity in Education, Educational Policy Analysis and Comparative Education. She has conducted several empirical research studies and authored    number of books. In addition, she has published several research papers and articles in National and International Journals.


Dr. R. S. Tyagi, formerly an Associate Professor in the Department of Educational Administration in the National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration specialises in organisational and management issues of educational administration. He has conducted several empirical research studies and published books on structure and functions of educational administration, school management, and school-based instructional supervision. He has presented papers in national and international seminars and conferences on education and published a number of research papers on different aspects of educational administration and management in various reputed national and international Journals.

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